PreciCura family
The result of 25 years experience in laser sensor development, the PreciCura is a robust, rugged and versatile laser triangulation sensor for dimensional measurements. The non-contact sensor is ideal for most measurement applications including difficult to measure surfaces such as soft, delicate and hot materials as well as discrete parts and fast moving objects. The combination of LIMAB’s application know-how and constant development of sensors and solutions has created a family of distance measuring sensors with unmatched performance and reliability.
Smart sensor
The PreciCura is an intelligent sensor that adapts exposure time automatically to optimise the measuring performance irrespective of the type of material that is being measured. This means that accurate and repeatable measurements are always possible even on surfaces that are of different colours or have large changes in reflectivity.
Simple integration and ease of use
The PreciCura is powered by a single 24VDC supply. Calibrated measurements are available straight from the gauge using the standard Ethernet interface that is provided (CAN-Bus interface on LR). This makes interfacing to an existing PLC’s or another computer system very straightforward.
Thickness measuring
Two PreciCura sensors can be connected together to measure thickness or width. This enables the real-time measurement of fast moving materials directly from the sensor.
Measuring Principle
The PreciCura uses the principle of laser-based optical triangulation. A laser spot is projected on to the surface of the material being measured. The laser spot is diffusely reflected by the surface, this light is focused on to a CCD detector by a high-quality lens system. The position of the light energy on the CCD array varies according to how far the target is from the sensor. The CCD array uses 2000 pixels and these are subdivided by a factor of 16 to provide a very high resolution of 32,000 over the measuring range of the sensor. The processor converts the pixel position to a mm position using a unique calibration look-up table stored within the sensor.

Key points
- Measuring ranges up to 8000 mm
- Thickness mode for high accuracy thickness or width applications
- Industrial interfaces for easy connection to other systems
- Integrated signal processing and measurement averaging
- Patented Height vision