LIMAB laser technology
The SlabProfiler uses LIMAB’s standard ProfiCura 2D profile sensors which use the principle of 2D laser triangulation. These sensors are a product of almost 25 years experience of producing precision laser sensors. The Sensors are robust, rugged yet very accurate and are at the heart of the SlabProfiler system.
Measuring Principle
The ProfiCura 2D project a laser line on to the surface to be measured. This line is viewed with a high-resolution camera which captures the image an internal microprocessor within the sensor applies a calibration algorithm to converts the file into X, Y coordinate data. To measure the slab two sensors are used mounted either side of the slab at a safe distance of around 1 metre. The profile capture rate is 240 Hz per sensor. The scanning of both lasers is synchronised so that the slab width can be determined at various height positions.
Measures width and the edge profile
In addition to measuring the width of the slab, the true profile of both edges is also measured accurately providing invaluable feedbacks as to the overall performance of the caster. Poor edge shape can be a result of mould wear or cooling problems within the caster these are all highlighted at an early stage.
Forced air cooling
The SlabProfiler is delivered with a forced air cooling system that makes installation simple and reduces the running costs. In addition, the air is used to keep the optics clean eliminating regular maintenance.
Proven system
With many installations worldwide the SlabProfiler system is simple to install and will immediately provide you with the benefits of accurate slab dimensional measurement.
Full slab geometry
The SlabProfiler system can be equipped optional lasers that in addition to the width and edge profile also measure the slab length and camber.
The software is designed for client/server mode with the possibility of several clients connecting to one server. The server software calculates and displays the edge profiles and displays them in a graphical view. Trend graphs show the width of the slab over time. Numerical values display key dimensions and slab temperature. All measured values are logged to a database for archiving and post-production analysis.
Complete package
LIMAB provide a complete turn-key solution, one contractor takes full responsibility. The SlabProfiler system includes all hardware and software needed for any plant installation. LIMAB provide commissioning training and on-going product support and service.