ProfiCura 2D laser technology
The TubeProfiler 3D uses LIMAB’s standard ProfiCura 2D laser triangulation sensors which are a product of almost 30 years experience of producing precision laser sensors. The ProfiCura 2D sensors are robust, rugged yet very accurate and stable lasers and are at the heart of the TubeProfiler 3D.
No hidden shadows – full profile detail
Most traditional mill gauges use either camera or laser micrometer shadow scanners to measure the diameter or dimension of the product. The big drawback of this technology is that only the maximum dimension is measured, any negative features are invisible. This is the reason why LIMAB uses a distance measuring technique to ensure the true profile is always measured. Products as large as 2000 mm can be measured to a very high accuracy.
Patented technology
LIMAB have developed an algorithm that eliminates measuring errors due to the movement of the product in the measuring field ensuring reliable measurement irrespective of the material presentation.
3D user display
Due to the fast sampling of all lasers simultaneously the TubeProfiler is able to display the bar shape in 3D providing an interesting insight into various rolling mill problems that may have been missed with standard 2D graphs. For example, eccentric or damaged rolls in the mill stands can easily be detected.
The software is designed for client/server mode with the possibility of several clients connecting to one server. The client software calculates and displays the shape of the measured product as a 2D cross-section or 3D graphical view. Trend graphs show key dimensions over the length of the bar. Numerical values display key dimensions and bar temperature. All measured values are logged to a database for archiving and post-production analysis.
Complete package
LIMAB provide a complete turn-key solution, one contractor takes full responsibility. The TubeProfiler includes all hardware and software needed for any mill installation. LIMAB provide commissioning training and on-going product support and service.